Iflicks auto import chapter
Iflicks auto import chapter

iflicks auto import chapter iflicks auto import chapter

Let’s see what happens if I type Assertions.assertEquals(). What's different with this import in regard to the others is that we have the static word here. So these are probably all of them, the method implementations, so these many variants are implemented in this class regarding the assertEquals method. If I use Match Case, I will see that there are actually 186 such words in this file. Okay, so here if I search by just typing Ctrl+ F, I can see that there are several assertEquals methods here (I have 279 results). If I opened this class and I will navigate in the left-hand menu, in the project screen, I will see that the Assertions class is part of the JUnit library which I have as an external dependency. If I go to the top level of the class, I can see that there is a new import here which was made when I imported the assertEquals method from the Assertions class. In this test I did everything I needed to do - I created a variable holding an expected value, I opened the page from where I needed to read a certain property, and then I used an assertion to compare the expected and the actual values. Now we just type my semicolon here and my test is public void openThePageAndCheckTheTitle ( ) This returns the String, which I can see by holding control and hovering the name of the method. The page title will be obtained via Selenium by calling driver.getTitle. My expected value is the one I defined as a variable here, so I will say assertEquals the expectedTitle, and I need this expected title to equal a value which will be read from the page I'm opening. The first parameter I need to specify is the expected value. In my case, I want to compare 2 Strings, so I will again click Ctrl+P while between the parenthesis, because I want to see in which order I need to specify the expected and actual values shared. There are many methods it's just that they have a different signature. I can pass in different types of parameters to these methods, therefore there are more than just one implementation of this method. The assertEquals can be used with all kinds of parameters including Strings, bytes, integers, Long, and so on. If I click control, and then hovering the name of this method hovering assertEquals, I will click with my mouse I will see all of the implementations of this method. Now why do I have such a long list of possible parameters? Well, because the assertEquals method comes in various flavors. This gives me the list of possible parameters I can specify here What happened here is that my method name is not red anymore, so I can actually start typing what I want in my assertEquals method - so I could start typing the expected and actual values.Īnd what I did was that I went in between the parenthesis and I typed Ctrl+P. The one I need is the one from the Assertions class - Assertions.assertEquals - so I will choose this one. I'm going to choose the Import static method and I will see that there are 2 possible methods I can choose from, two assertEquals method. I'm going to hit Alt + enter and they have some options here including to Create method in the current class or to Import static method (to import a method that already exists somewhere in a library that I have as a dependency). But currently IntelliJ doesn't know what assertEquals method I'm referring to. I have typed assertEquals() as this is the method I will be using. I would need to say, “assert equals something with something” - meaning, an expected title versus and actual title. Okay so now I specified the String that I want to represent the page I'm opening.Īt this point, the browser will open the following URL - the one that I typed here as a parameter to the get method.Īfter the page opens, my test has the purpose of checking that the title is the expected one therefore, I would need an assertion.

Iflicks auto import chapter